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Tuesday, November 14, 2017



Bonsai trees and temperatures vary so much that it can be a very hard question to answer.  But  we are going to try and answer it as sensible as possible.

Apiesdoring (Acasia)


Outdoor trees would be the indigenous trees that is found in your area and that grows in the field.  Outdoor trees must be placed in a bright spot.  This means that they should have at least 6 hours of morning sunlight daily.    Having less sunlight than this will result in the tree suffering to grow properly.  Just remember that you have to water more regularly if it gets direct sun, as the pots are shallow and dries out quickly.  Please refer to how do I water a bonsai tree:

In South Africa the sun is very harsh, so you might want to place your bonsais under a shade cloth.  Don't exceed 50% shadecloth!  The ideal is 40 % shade cloth.  Also make sure that your bonsai tree has good ventilation.  They do not like dark, cold and damp places.

A good method to see whether your tree is happy in it's circumstances, is to watch the growth.  If the tree is suffering to grow, it might be that it need fertiliser or that there is too little sunlight. If the growth is too abundant and gives long shoots, your tree is getting way to much shade.


In South Africa we do not have a lot of indoor trees that is indigenous.  However, the following trees can be held indoors:

Ficus Burt Davyi  (Protect in winter)
Fig trees

BUT.. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THEY GET GOOD FILTERED SUNLIGHT!! Keep them near a window that has at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.  Bonsais love and need the sun to grow.  Also make sure there is good ventilation.  Please do not put bonsais on the ground, but rather on a small table!  The reason for this is that bonsais that stays on the ground are normally neglected because they are not seen regularly.


In nature trees can normally handle rather severe cold temperatures.  The reason for this is that their roots are deep under the ground and cannot freeze.  Bonsai trees are normally planted in shallow pots, so their roots is not deep under the ground exposing them to the danger of easily freezing.  Therefor they must be protected in winter.  You can keep your trees in a greenhouse in winter, if you have one availabe.   You can also use covers around the pots to protect the roots of your bonsai.  In warm environments you can leave your trees unprotected in winter.

Fig trees MUST BE TAKEN INSIDE IN THE WINTER!  This is for places that get frost in winter.  Figs trees are normally found in Kwazulu Natal with it's wonderful moderate temperature. So it will die in other places in South Africa that do get frost.

Also remember to bring all your bonsais indoors, or just put them under a roof,  if temperatures go lower that  -3 degrees Celcius in winter.  This includes indoor as well as outdoor trees.  If the temperature drops below -3 degrees, they might get black frost and will die immediately.

Black frost (taken directly from The Free Dictionary)

Black frost (or "killing frost") is not strictly speaking frost at all, 
because it is the condition seen in crops when the humidity is too low  for frost to form, but the temperature falls so low that plant tissues  freeze and die, becoming  blackened, hence the term "black frost".  Black frost often is called "killing frost" .
Black frost (Killing frost) on plants

When you do place your bonsais in a hot house, please make sure that the temperatures is not to warm inside.  This will motivate the bonsai trees to come out of their winter rest and start to grow.   When temperatures drop again, they will have no natural protection and new buds and leaves will die.

PLEASE BE AWARE of late frost that can caught you off guard.  Be sure to watch the weather forecasts daily - even when it is spring and summer already.  In South Africa this year, 2017, we had severe cold temperatures in October!  So be sure to look out for your tree, just the same as you would look out for your child!


Check your bonsai tree regularly for pests and diseases - also in winter. Please water your bonsai tree in winter also, just not as regularly than in summer.  Remember:  they are just dormant, not dead, so they do need water.    Please see this article for more tips on watering a bonsai:

Bonsai greetings!

Ps.  If you found this article informative, please be sure to share if with your friends and family.   If you want to receive similar articles in future please scroll down to the bottom right corner and add your e-mail address.  We will forward you new articles.  You are also more than welcome to ask any questions regarding bonsais in the ready made form at the top left corner of this article.

Friday, October 13, 2017


'n Baie belangrike komponent van 'n bonsai boom is juis die grond.

Ons wys vir julle hier twee verskillende bonsai bome.  Een is 'n boom van een van ons kliënte.  Hy het dit by iemand gekoop, maar die grondmengsel is heeltemal verkeerd.  Die bonsai boom hou dan te veel water in en die wortels vrot, wat lei tot die dood van die bonsai boom.

Die volgende video is van een van ons bonsai bome wat wys hoe vinnig die water dreineer.

Maak seker die bonsai grondmengsel is reg vir die boom.  As jou bonsai boom byvoorbeeld net grond inhet, sal die water baie stadig uitloop en sal die boom se wortels vrot.  Daar moet baie kompos in die bonsai grondmengsel wees sodat die water vinnig kan dreineer.  Kom kyk gerus na ons bonsai grondmengsel (bonsai soil)  by ons winkel in Buffeldoornweg 13, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp en nou ook by Silver Stream op die hoek van Byron en Marlowstraat, Orkney.


Ons het vanaand 'n foto van ons kliënt se boompie gekry en was uit die veld geslaan oor die verskil.

Hier is hoe die boompie gelyk het met die verkeerde grondmengsel:

En hier is dieselfde boompie net bietjie meer as 'n maand later met die regte bonsai grondmensel in!

Watter pragtige sukses verhaal!  

Sunday, August 27, 2017



Watering a bonsai tree can sometimes be tricky, as different bonsai trees has different needs for water. So we will give you a basic rundown of what you should do.


Water your bonsai tree when the soil is slightly dry.  You can establish this  by placing your finger in the soil at about 1 cm deep.  If the soil is still very wet, do not water.  But if it is very dry, please give the tree water. Never let the soil dry out completely! The smaller the pot is, or if the temperatures is very high, please be sure to water your tree more regularly.

Some people like to water their bonsai daily in summer - especially in South Africa with it's severe heat.  This will all depend on where your tree is standing and how much direct sunlight your tree is getting.  In summer we suggest that you water your tree not less than three times a week.  We would rather suggest daily watering. You can set a reminder on your cellphone to remind you to water your bonsai tree.  Just remember, sometimes it would be necessary to water your bonsai tree daily.   Rather do the finger-in-soil test daily until you have established a routine with your bonsai tree. We water our bonsai trees daily in summer because they are in a courtyard with cement paving underneath them.  The temperature is very warm here, so they need watering once a day... sometimes twice a day.


In winter you can scale down a lot.  Again depending on the place your bonsai is standing and how much sun it gets, you will be lead to know how much water to give.   Two to three times in a week would be sufficient.  But again, rather test the soil with your finger.  Giving too much water,  if the soil is still wet, can result in the roots rotting.

How do I give my bonsai tree water?

With a small jug or watering can, saturate the soil until the water drains out through the holes in the bottom of the pot.  It is very important that you saturate the soil, because the roots need the water.  Please, please, please do not put any trays underneath your bonsai tree to catch the water and thus stand in the water!!!!!  This can result in the roots rotting - and you don't want this to happen to your beautiful tree.  Normal tap water or rainwater can be used to give your tree water.  It is not necessary to use purified water, but you may do so if you like!

If your bonsai tree is standing in the house, we suggest that you take the bonsai to the kitchen sink, saturate the soil with a jug and leave it there for a while so that the water can drain from the tree.  Then you can take it back and place it in the right spot for you to enjoy your favorite bonsai.

You can use a sprayer system with a computer if you have a lot of trees in the garden.  Just make sure that it is wetting your bonsai trees thoroughly and that someone did not shut down the computer.( It happened to us one time.) Also check on every bonsai to make sure that all bonsais get the  same amount of water.


Just a few guidelines regarding this.


You can water whatever time is more suitable for you.    No time of day is the wrong time.


Please do not water your tree very early in the morning or in the evening.  When it is very cold and you water your tree, the leaves or roots could freeze and die.  Rather not water the bonsai tree before 10h00 in the morning.  It would be better to water them at 12h00.  If your bonsai tree is in the house, you can water it whenever you want to.  Just make sure the water is not too cold!!

Please feel free to contact us on or drop in at our shop if you have any questions.

Have a blessed day!